Please look around and continue visiting my blog so that I can keep you up to date about everything having to do with my serving in Tanzania ! Feel free to email me with questions and please keep me in your prayers!
Matthew Sroka

Saturday, May 14, 2011

And the countdown begins....

Long lost friends and family,
With much happiness but also sadness, I write to you again from Mafinga, Tanzania, for most likely the last time. It is impossible to believe it is halfway through May! The days fly by and quickly turn into weeks and months. Before I know it, I will be in the arms of my family and probably crying with joy to see my sisters!
Bukimau Secondary has progressed rapidly this spring. Walls, windows,and roofing are up now on our new laboratory. The boys toilets are finished, and the girls have walls and windows. Two new teacher houses have been completed, including the one we just moved into. We only had to live one week without glass windows and a toilet! Pretty good considering we have been waiting to move there for 7 months! Mkrugenzi, Mr. Godfrey, the director of VST came to visit last week. He was enthused to see the progress at Bukimau and was about 90% sure we could be registered this spring along with six other VST schools.
May here in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania has brought the end of rainy season and the return of gorgeous weather. Hali ya hewa ni nzuri sana siku zote! It means the weather is perfect every day! Each morning calls for leggings and sweaters, by afternoon the sun isperfectly warm, and by evening, the sweatshirts come out. Along with spring came four baby goats that are just hilarious to watch, a litter of pigs next door, and scores of baby chicks that we have to save from hawks in the evenings.
During April and May, I have ben studying Galatians with the help of William Barclay and his daily bible study series. I've been blessed to study Paul and his words to the church of Galatia. An amazing thing struck me how Paul clearly could say he was "entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, just as Peter had been to the Jews." (Galatians 2:7) It grips my heart to know that like Paul and Peter, we are all "entrusted" with a sphere of influence.Mine this past year has been Tanzanian high school students and villagers. My sister Bethany's has been Chinese college students. Yours has been wherever you live and work! We are all given the call to preach the gospel to a certain group, whether it is in Tanzania, China, or Arnold, Maryland. It is a comfort to know that all over theworld, God has called different people to their own unique sphere of influence. Since coming to Tanzania I've been reading daily from a collection of wisdom from Mother Teresa called "The Joy in Loving." (Which I highly reccomend to give your life some perspective) April 30th had this to say:
"It is so beautiful that we complete each other! What we are doing inthe slums, maybe you cannot do. What you are doing at the level whereyou are called--in your family life, in your college life, in your work--we cannot do. But together you and we are doing something beautiful for God."
Maybe what I am doing here in Tanzania you cannot do, but what you are doing in your neighborhoods, families, and work places, I cannot do. We complete each other! We are counting the days until our return to you, but we will partwith great sadness also. Pray for our finishing strong, for the rightwords to be spoken, and time spend with the right students.
*Finishing strong
*Travel at the end of June back to the States
*Continued health
*Parting words and gifts given to the right students
*Transitioning back in to life at home
*Work opportunities at home (I have an offer to return to BWMC, ifthose details can be worked out, and for a teaching position for Mattto open up)
Much love and blessings this Spring!
Emily and Matt Sroka

Friday, April 1, 2011

Greetings from Tanzania's Southern Highlands

Greetings from Iringa, Tanzania, the city on a hill!

Yesterday we arrived in Iringa, a larger “city” in the Mufindi District in which we teach. We had a pleasant bus ride in which we were actually not squished like sardines. Iringa is about 3 hours by bus from Nyololo, the closest bus stop to our home. It was a frightening ride up a winding road in the Daladala (bus) to the town situated in a valley high in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. So far we’ve enjoyed lattes, burgers and panini’s and hot (well warm) showers.

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve been focused on spending as much time with the people in Bumilayinga as possible. Our village lady friends, have visited our home for tea and banana bread. And we have visited the orphanage for lunch and spending time with the children. Rehema, a Tanzanian who works at the orphanage, has a really sweet spirit, and we are already planning to leave her our Swahili Children’s Bible in order to share with the kids. My tutor, Upendo, continues to try to teach me the language, and on my part, I am trying to speak it more, which helps in my knowledge. On our way to Iringa, we stopped to visit Mama Upendo, in Nyololo. It’s a beautiful thing to see the complete thanks offered, not to us, but to God, for our ability to help Upendo with school fees. Likewise, Zamayoni who is another student who works for us and he has been such a blessing. We call him the bike doctor because he always fixes our bike (and our bikes do break on a weekly occurrence); we also joke that he is our son because there is no one who spends more time at our house besides us. He evens come on Saturdays and Sundays to see if there is work to do or sometimes he comes just to hang out. Anyway, I mention him here because his mother came to us a couple months ago (as you might recall from previous updates) to implore us to let him work for us. Since then his mother has made the couple hour trek from her home to bring us baskets, food, and other things. Every time, she comes her face beams with thankfulness and appreciation of the help we’re giving her son. If we ever doubt why God has brought us here or if our lives here really our making a difference, we just stop and think of Mama Zamayoni and all our misgivings fade away and we thank God. Praise be to God! We are blessed with so much in America, it takes coming to Africa to remind us to have a giving heart. Students and families often bring gifts to us to thank us for our service and help to students. In America, giving a gift is something that we need a special occasion for. How many times have I given a simple gift to a friend just because I wanted them to know I am thankful for them? I think few, if ever. Tanzanians, whether in their home or giving a gift, give what they have. Potatoes, beans, wheat, or baskets. They give all they have to offer. And not for anything in return, just because they want to express thanks.

Students just finished mid-term exams, and also have a week long holiday. We continue to have almost all teacher positions staffed, which is benefiting the students immensely. The Form 2 class will take government administered exams in June will determine their ability to continue to Form 3. Bukimau currently isn’t “registered” which means the students will have to travel to another VST school to take exams. The process of registration involves government officials coming to view the school. Also, they require a ‘laboratory’ to be partly finished, which is now under construction at Bukimau.

At school we have had two recent football (also known as soccer to you Americans) matches against two government schools. The fist we traveled to was about 40 minutes from home by bicycle. That week we had construction workers from VST staying, and they kindly took two loads of students to the match riding in the back of a dump truck. The next game took place at our school, and the day included a netball game (Tanzania’s version of basketball for girls), and a debate. As we have explained, English is the medium of Secondary school in Tanzania. However, Maduma, the visiting school, refused, or was unable to debate in English. It’s a sad reflection of the state of schools here. Our students learn how to debate from the start. We have had two debates with our Pre-form students, in their extremely broken and limited English. Form One and Form Two are also capable of debating in English. However, this nearby government school, which goes up to Form Four, was unable. It’s a rewarding thing to know that for the state of education to change, students simply need to learn English, and at Bukimau, we make sure that they do. J

As we have expectantly approached and passed the three months remaining mark, we are starting to be filled with both joy and sadness. We are looking forward to the next chapter of our lives and to see what God has in store for us. We also will leave precious students and friends behind. Something we keep in mind is that such a young school that Bukimau is, there needs to be many planters before there are harvests. We trust that the Lord uses the seeds we have planted and that the next person in the plan at Bukimau will take their place in the planting, watering, or harvesting process.

  • Prayer Requests:
  • School registration: construction, water intake, electricity
  • Energy and peace in our last 2+ months
  • Travel Safety going back to Bumilayinga and home in June
  • Continued health
  • Quality time and conversations with students including Zamoyoni, Upendo, Stewart, Margret, Sessy, Upendo and all our classes
  • Relationships with Rehema and Mama Nevadina
Much love, Emily and Matt

Thursday, January 6, 2011

back to reality....

The holiday's are over, the cookies are eaten, and the hot chocolate consumed, its time to get back to reality. For us, that means making the journey back to Tanzania and more specifically, Bumilayinga. We have been blessed by so many this holiday season. We were blessed by the hospitality of all the VST family at Madisi for Christmas. And then we continued to be blessed by the entire Hamelryck family here in Zambia for New Years and this whole week. We've made new friends and partners in ministry in Africa. As Courney D. calls it, the "Hamelryck Resort and Spa" has been just what we needed as our half-way point in our ministry.
We are excited to return to the new school year, meet new students and teachers, and continue building Bukimau Secondary School. Thanks to a sweet group from BEP, we were blessed with the best Christmas present ever, a solar charger! Thanks to this, we also hope to be able to share our knowledge with students and teachers so they can learn to use a computer. Often students and teachers have no experience with computers until they reach University level education.
Tomorrow morning, Friday, we make the journey by train to Mbeya Tanzania, and will arrive there Saturday afternoon. Then Sunday we will continue by bus to Nyololo where we've stored our bicycles. Then we will strap all of our Christmas gifts, gifts from home, and grocery store treasures to the backs of our bicycles and make the ride back to Bumilayinga.
Much love and blessings from Zambia!
Emily and Matt

Sunday, January 2, 2011

We made it to civilization!

Merry Christmas and Happy 2011!

We are enjoying some MUCH needed rest and relaxation in Kabwe, Zambia, with our fellow family in Christ the Hamelrycks. Even now I’m sitting on the Hamelrycks porch enjoying the sunshine and watching all of them play football (soccer). We have had a simply delightful Christmas season, and feel refreshed and ready to head back to the village and start the second half of our time in Tanzania.

Our Fall has passed extremely quickly, Halloween was spent enjoying a few of our American candy bars that we brought across the world with us. Matt chose a Twix, and I of course, chose a Snickers. We had one day off from school during the Fall, which was National Independence day of Zanzibar. So we taught and taught and taught throughout the autumn months. November came quickly, and as the month progressed, the rains began. The rains began slowly, with just a couple of showers maybe two afternoons a week. By the time we left for the holidays, it was raining consistently every afternoon for several hours. And I’m not talking showers, but torrential downpours.

Our Pre-form classes’ English has progressed immensely. From only being able to say “good morning,” our new students can now have complete conversations in English. We even have been able to read some stories in English with rather good comprehension. The school experience for us has been two-fold. On the one hand, we love the classroom, because the children just want so much to learn English. Students know that education, including English, is their ticket to a better life. We are quick to remind them about the purposes of education. We find ourselves consistently reiterating the importance of education not just to improve their own lives but also to improve the lives for their entire village. And we rejoice when we hear students talk about how they all don’t want to be educated in order to move out of the village and search for financial success elsewhere, but they want education to better themselves, their families, and their village. On the other hand, many things in Tanzanian classrooms are extremely frustrating. As school began winding down, we were faced with several issues. First, we flat out had a severe lack of teachers. From November to January, there was no math, geography, civics, or history teacher. Rather than spreading the classes between other teachers only responsible for one subject, the students simply were not taught. But of course, they continued taking tests on those subjects. Also, there seemed to be a severe lack of teaching from the teachers that were present. It was not uncommon to have all 150 Form 1 students sit without a teacher for several hours, if not all day. The philosophy of teaching here is extremely hands-off. “Teaching” most often consists of giving students a book with notes. I think a lot of the problem is that the teachers really don’t understand English enough to even expound on the notes. I certainly couldn’t explain Physics in Swahili! And we understand that is partly while we are here. This is the cycle that we are trying to break! If the students can learn English well enough to TEACH in English, the domino effect in education could be phenomenal! It is with this problem in mind that VST is in the processing of building a University (It should be finished this year or next). The hope is that once the University is up and running, VST can try and supply their own teachers. These teachers would not only speak English well, but they would also have a greater understanding of VST mission of doing education differently in Africa.

In November, we had a “weekend away” in the near town of Mafinga. So, for our dazzling weekend of romance, we got on our baiskeli’s (Swahili for bicycle), rode the hour and a half to the nearest town with a bus stop, and hopped on a daladala, minibuses, which are the backbone of transportation in rural Tanzania, and took the 40-minute bus ride to Mafinga. We stayed in a guesthouse, (I think we were the only ones in the whole place) with an American toilet, and semi-hot shower, uh trickle. But for us, it was a blessing! We also were able to meet with another one of the American teachers, Marisha, who had become our “text buddy” while in the village.

Thanksgiving came and went with little worth mentioning other than we got POTATOES! We made the greatest (and possible the first) mashed potatoes ever served in Bumilayinga. Now for all of you Americans, that can walk, or drive rather, and buy an enormous sack of potatoes whenever you want, this may not be exciting. But coming from rice, pasta, and ugali as your main dish for two out of three meals a day, it was the greatest meal we had thus far. We also opened a hoarded bag of CRAISINS, in lieu of cranberry sauce. Here's a picture of our Thanksgiving meal!

For our school, we were given the enormous task of typing all of the schools exams. This doesn’t seem like such a difficult task, but you must not forget that we have a serious lack of electricity, which can make typing exams difficult. So, once our computer was dead, a student, graciously rode the hour and a half to Nyololo, the nearest town, sat for four hours while the computer charged, then rode back, in order for the exams to be typed. December 14th began exam week, four days of monitoring the six classrooms and 12 exams. We also celebrated Matt's birthday, and he killed a chicken all on his own, we have video to prove it!

December 22nd we made the bike trip to Nyololo, the bus trip to Mafinga, and then another bus trip to Madisi, the main VST School, where we completed our training in September. We weremet by the wonderful Vinton family, Sarah Bickel, Mary Jenkins, and the five other American teachers from the Rukwa region, Tyler, Hannah, Piper, Sara, and Kayla. We had several days of sweet fellowship with the other teachers hearing of their experiences, their students and schools. We watched Elf and several Office episodes together and enjoyed our shared English language. The leaders of VST truly made a wonderful Christmas for us! On the Thursday before Christmas, we all piled in to a van and were given our Christmas “bonus” to be used for Christmas shopping. We went to town and had a wonderful meal together and enjoyed choosing presents for each other. Christmas Eve, we played games, cut down and decorated the tree, made cookies, cinnamon rolls, buckeyes, and chocolate covered pretzels. Christmas morning, we had a large brunch complete with yogurt! We spent the day opening gifts and being together. You know you’re in a remote foreign country when the greatest present opened is a bottle of Heinz Ketchup.

The Day after Christmas, we had a sort of half-way debriefing with Sarah, who previously completed our initial two weeks of training in the village. She asked us to give three emotions that we have felt since being in the village. First off, I admitted to frustration with teachers, lack of teachers, teaching and lack of teaching. Secondly I explained the complete lack of stress that Matt and I feel here. There is a beautiful, simple way of living in a small village. No bills, really no true needs, just sustaining ourselves on what little we have. I can’t say there has ever been anything that I felt I truly needed, that I didn’t have. There some wants, but I feel even less than in America, which doesn’t really make sense! In America, I really need for nothing, but there is always sooooo much that I feel like I NEED, and most certainly WANT. In the village, I know I have what I honestly need and am actually happy with what I have. This is a huge realization and concept difficult to explain. But, I encourage all of my friends and family at home, to evaluate our true NEEDS in America, as I will certainly do when we return. Matt added the third emotion saying, “contentment”. It is a wonderful waking up everyday knowing that your life is making a significant difference in the lives of hundreds of kids. Not, that we in ourselves are anything special, we are two people who feel a unique love for God and others. We are just following the will of God, and He is using us to make an impact.

Going to Madisi, it was our intent, to then travel on to Zambia, to visit a dear family from our own home church! The Hamelryck’s are missionaries in Zambia. However, the best way to travel such a distance is by train. And, of course, the train workers were on strike! So, on December 27th, we made the bus trip back to Mafinga, and an even longer, squishy 4 hour bus ride (when I get home I’m writing a letter to President Kikwete and telling him to pass a law limiting the number of people allowed on these buses) to Mbeya hoping and praying that the strike was over. This trip was a HUGE blessing because we were able to get train tickets to Zambia on Wednesday the 29th! We had a whole little room on the train to ourselves, ordered food in our room, basically we were transported back to the 1950’s. We boarded the train on Wednesday at 1pm, and arrived in Kapiri Moshi, Zambia on Thursday, around 2pm. It was an amazingly relaxing way to travel and plenty of room to stretch! Paul Hamelryck picked us up from the train station, and we headed to his new home near the city of Kabwe. We have been blessed to have electricity, a refrigerator, car, shower, real mattress, Christmas tree, and most importantly a beautiful family to relax with. There is always someone to play with and we’ve been eating and partying like kings! It is a wonderful rest from village life! And even being here, we agree that we are excited to return to Bumilayinga as school begins on January 10th, and teach, and live with our friends there again. On Friday we will return to Tanzania by train, then to the village by bus, then bicycle.

We have been blessed with contentment with our lives in Africa, and are excited to finish our time here and come share it with you all! We have several things we want to ask you to pray for as we embark on this second half of our time here.

  • Pray that we can be provided with more teachers for the start of the school year
  • We have been told that its possible our headmaster is being relocated, pray that if it happens, we can be supportive and provided with another to step up to the job
  • For the other American teachers Kayla, Piper, Hannah, Tyler, and Sara. For their schools, students and village life.
  • That our house at the school will finally be finished!
  • Safe travel back to Bumilayinga
  • That we can continue to build relationships with teachers, villagers, and especially our students. It has been a struggle for us on how to share the gospel with our students who have only been studying English for a few months. We are often reminded of the much-used (though impossible to over-use) saying of Francis of Asisi, “Speak the Gospel at all times, if necessary use words.”

We love and miss you all, we will remain in Zambia until Friday, email us and let us know how life is in good old America! Many Blessings!

In Christ,

Emily and Matt Sroka